Second blog post - october

Second blog post - october

We mooved to a new house on the 7th of august 2024.
Our new home - la manufacture.
New rooms. New kitchen. New everything.
Both excited, because we've waited so long, and sickening stressed. Taking one day at a time.

I have my new work space. It is huge. I have multiple projects for it!

At the beginning I felt very intimidated. Already because our house is very big and known in the surroundings. The family that lived here ran a very successful business. They sold very good quality clothes, underwear, home textile products. People have very good memories about this place. The shop was closed for about ten years, since 2014. No one lived in the house even longer. So here we come, a family of five. Everyone is watching us! Natural but intimidating. Me, an introvert, I feel social anxiety coming. And even more, I need to open my shop and start talking to people. The day I opened the doors of the shop and started cleaning the windows and the front, I had at least four curious people coming and asking what was going on.

I was really hesitant about the opening day. On one hand a Grand Opening would've been really amazing - with the balloons, drinks, music, big announcements, my shop full of stuff. The space is beautiful, repaired, painted. But on the other hand I can start where I am and invite people to an unrepaired space, without the balloons. And soon it became my choice and my beginning.

One day a local businessman came and said: here are colorful umbrellas that you could put in the windows of your shop. It was in october. The idea of these umbrellas was to remind people to shop locally. And also, as it was pink october, a part of money for sold umbrellas would go to fund breast cancer medical and scientific research.

So I did it. And I decided to put my creations out also and just start the business. So, on the 10th of october I opened my doors to the public. I offered a clothes reparation service. There was a need for that. People started coming in, asking questions. It was great! I was telling about my projects to everyone who wanted to listen. People were really interested in clothes reparation and not too much in my kitchen towels.. They were interested in co-working space and in la mercerie part of the shop.

I was invited to an exhibition of local talents here in the village. I dressed my table the most beautiful I could create. I even baked little breads and put them in little bags I made as an idea :) and people were stopping and looking, asking questions. I got one order for table napkins with oranges and bees. People really liked the oranges with bees fabric. I am waiting for someone finally bying it before Christmas.

I started my YouTube channel in November. I intend to push the idea of this oranges with bees table cloth for Christmas. I am sure there are people who would love to change their white Christmas table cloth with the oranges and bees :)

Today is the 11th of November. It's been a month since the opening day. So many people came into the shop. Interesting people. It feels like a few months have passed. We have very interesting ideas coming. I really wish the best for us and everyone included. The future may be very bright in le Vignon en Quercy :)
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